クラウドインテグレータのクリエーションライン(クリエーションライン株式会社、本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役:安田 忠弘)、クラウドストレージの先進的技術を持つジェミナイ・モバイル・テクノロジーズ株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:太田 洋、以下 Gemini)、クラウド基盤におけるネットワーク仮想化技術開発のミドクラ(日本法人ミドクラジャパン株式会社、本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:加藤 隆哉)は、クラウドプラットフォーム分野において事業提携をしました。
ミドクラが開発したネットワーク仮想化/インテリジェント化技術「MidoNet」は、ネットワーク機器を仮想化することで、物理的なネットワーク構成と論理的なネットワーク構成を分離する技術です。この「MidoNet」を利用することで、通信キャリアやデータセンターのネットワークの効率的な構成と動的な変更が可能となり、複数データセンターを接続した論理的なネットワークの構築も可能となるため「MidoNet」を活用することでより柔軟且つ堅牢なBCP・DR環境を実現することが可能となります。併せて、CloudStackやOpenStackなどのクラウドマネージメントシステム(CMS)と連携したプログラマブルなネットワークの構成定義(SDN: Software Defined Networking)が可能となります。
Geminiが開発したCloudian(R)は、S3 REST API 完全準拠のクラウドストレージ・システムです。Cloudianは、高容量、マルチテナント、マルチデータセンターに対応し、リソースの仮想化、グループサポート、QoSコントロール、アクセス 管理権限、レポーティングと課金機能により、エンタープライズやサービスプロバイダーは、低廉なコストの汎用ハードウェアにより、ターンキーでパ ブリックとプライベートクラウドを迅速に構築することができます。CloudianのS3完全準拠のAPIは、エンタープライズやサービスプロバイダーにとって、Amazon Web Serviceのエコシステムにおける豊富で多彩なアプリケーションを利用できるという利点があります。Cloudianは、すでに大規模な商用実績を有しています。Cloudianは、OpenStackとCloudStackとの完全互換性を有しています。
ミドクラクループは、クラウドコンピューティング技術の専門家集団として世界のクラウドコンピューティング利用を促進し、ひいては地球環境保護に貢献をすること、欧米の叡智(イノベーション/ アーキテクチャ)、日本のユーザーエクスペリエンスそしてアジアの生産性を融合した全く新しい形の真のグローバルITテクノロジーカンパニーを日本発で立ち上げることを趣旨として2010年に設立された多国籍研究開発型企業集団です。現在シンガポールにグローバルヘッドクォーター、日米欧3拠点に法人を構え、日本法人としてミドクラジャパン株式会社があります。
クラウド事業部 担当:上村
TEL: 03-6228-3555
E-mail: cloud@creationline.com
総務部 担当:西念
TEL: 03-6228-3555
E-mail: info@creationline.com
Creationline, Inc.
Gemini Mobile Technologies, K.K.
Midokura Japan, K.K.
Creationline forms Strategic Alliance with Gemini and Midokura
Companies in Server, Storage, and Network Virtualization Collaborate for Cloud Business
Creationline Inc. (Creationline), a cloud integrator, announced today that it has formed a strategic alliance with Gemini Mobile Technologies K.K. (Gemini), and Midokura Japan K.K. (Midokura). This alliance enables Creationline to integrate and deploy state of the art cloud solutions by leveraging Gemini’s Cloudian® S3 Cloud Storage System, and Midokura’s MidoNet network virtualization technology.
Business Continuity Planning, Disaster Recovery, and Enterprise Cloud are just a few of the multitude of applications driving the rapid growth in the cloud market. Creationline, Gemini, and Midokura bring complimentary technologies in the virtualization of server, storage, and network, each is an indispensable component of cloud platforms. This unique combination enables entire cloud platforms to be realized with only commodity Intel Architecture servers, without costly storage and network appliances. In addition, integrated provisioning, operations, and management deliver a cloud platform that is more cost efficient, flexible and scalable.
MidoNet, an intelligent network virtualization technology developed by Midokura, can separate logical network topology from physical network topology. MidoNet will enable efficient architecture and dynamic change of networks for telecom carriers and data centers, which then allows logical networking that is connected to multiple data centers. MidoNet thus makes it possible to provide a flexible and robust BCP and DR environment. By integrating with cloud management systems (CMS) such as CloudStack and OpenStack, MidoNet will realize programmable software-defined networking (SDN).
Gemini’s Cloudian is a packaged software cloud storage platform with full S3 REST API compatibility. It provides high volume, multi-tenant, and multi-datacenter cloud storage. With features like virtualized resources, user groups, quality of service controls, access control rights, reporting and billing, Cloudian enables Enterprise and Service Providers to rapidly deploy turnkey public and private clouds on low cost commodity hardware. Cloudian’s robust S3 REST API compatibility allows enterprises and Service Providers to benefit from the richness and variety of applications in the Amazon Web Services ecosystem. Cloudian is already proven in large scale commercial deployments. Cloudian is fully compatible with OpenStack and CloudStack.
Creationline has a great deal of experience of actual launch and build-up of core cloud management software, including CMS, such as CloudStack and OpenStack. Under the latest business alliance, Creationline will provide carriers, data centers, and other providers who want to build and launch a cloud environment with implementation support, installation for launch, and customization of MidoNet, Cloudian, and OpenStack/CloudStack. Creationline can thus build and provide an optimal cloud platform that can fit individual services and business areas. In addition, Creationline will develop API linkage between OpenStack/CloudStack, Cloudian, and MidoNet. Creationline will also provide verification of MidoNet and Cloudian.
■ About Creationline
Creationline has a number of achievements in designing and build-up by using CloudStack, including launch support for IDC Frontier. It has a group of highly technical engineers to provide cloud integration. Creationline is also an exclusive partner of enStratus in Japan. Its achievements include contracts on the evaluation of basic functionality, performance, and reliability of cloud operation and management tools with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for its investigation and research project on deregulation and creation of new business in a medical and nursing-care sector in FY2011 and with the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), an incorporated administrative agency of Japan.
■About Gemini
Founded in 2001, Gemini Mobile Technologies (http://www.geminimobile.com) has been a worldwide leader in developing and deploying “Big Data” solutions for service providers around the globe. Gemini’s software platform solutions leverage its HyperScale® technology, an extremely powerful and very modular architecture designed to provide mobile carriers, ISPs, and cloud service providers with solutions that have set the standard for flexibility, scalability, and low cost. Gemini customers include Alcatel-Lucent, Vodafone, Nextel, Docomo, NTT, SoftBank and Telecom Italia, among others. The company is headquartered in Foster City, California, and has offices in Japan and China.
■About Midokura Japan, KK and Midokura Group
Midokura Group is a team of specialists in cloud computing technology and a R&D-type, multi-nationality company, which was established in 2010 with the goal to drive the worldwide use of cloud computing, contribute to protection of the global environment, and establish in Japan a uniquely new, global IT technology company that merges wisdom (innovation and architectures) of the West, user experience of Japan, and productivity in the rest of Asia. Placing global headquarters in Singapore, Midokura Group has established 3 regional entities in Japan, USA, and EU, and Midokura Japan K.K. act as the Japanese headquarter.
The objective is to provide enterprise users and cloud-computing service providers with platforms and technology solutions to build and operate a truly safe, secure, convenient, efficient cloud infrastructure and environment as they prepare for an upcoming, full-scale era of cloud computing.
[For inquiries about products]
Uemura, Cloud Business
TEL: 03-6228-3555
E-mail: cloud@creationline.com
[For inquiries about the press release]
Sainen, General Affairs
TEL: 03-6228-3555
E-mail: info@creationline.com
* Names of companies and products used in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of individual companies.
* Product names, price, departments, responsible personnel, URL’s of web sites quoted in this release are as of its issuance.